Listening to Devon Franklin, in this Conference, reminded me of a conversation, I just had with my son. I told him I worked in a bank, in the back office Domestic Securities office for three years, but there was a transfer freeze so no one could transfer out to another department. I told him, I put my transfer request in anyway. I got a call for an interview in the Foreign Exchange department. This widened my banking knowledge. After five years in that department, people told me, they tried to transfer and could not due to another freeze on transfers. Being who I was and knowing whose I was I again put in another request. Again, I was accepted into the Investment Management department in the “Middle Office”. Now, I was able to help clients whose trades were Domestic and Global, because I had already worked in both back office locations and was ready to serve in the middle office! In that area, I was promoted to Assistant Treasurer! This conference link below with Devon Franklin, reminded me so much of my story!